Do you remember your childhood when you had hundreds of questions left unanswered. You really wished there was Vsauce, Don't you ? Well, If you are a science and a life enthusiast you must have seen videos of Vsauce. Micheal Stevens, who is creator of Vsauce most probably is the best science teacher all over the world. He has his unique ability to generalize the vast concepts of Science. I bet just after seeing his one video, you will grab a popcorn and enjoy him for rest of an hour.
You probably asked your science teacher, "Sir, What if we all of us jumped at once". But sadly your science teacher was not too concerned about your query. Micheal is the huge collection of all those unanswered questions. You simply have to subscribe his youtube channel "Vsauce" For example check this video of his
Learning science is easy cause Micheal makes it simple. His way of presentation is way too exciting which inspires people to dig deeper on their own. Subscribe his youtube channel and enroll to a new science class. Vsauce Youtube Channel.
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